3 Spices To Prevent & Treat Rainy Season Diseases

With the rain comes a lot of diseases like the respiratory tract infections, cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, malaria, fever and much more. According to research there are several spices that have infection-fighting properties, these spices will help boost your immunity and also help fight all air-borne and water-borne diseases that are common during rainy season.
Below are 3 spices to prevent and treat rainy season diseases.
Pepper: “Pepper added to tonics for treating cold and cough also provides relief from sinusitis and nasal congestion. It has an expectorant property that helps to break up the mucus and phlegm depositions in the respiratory tract”.

Garlic: “Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal properties, that helps in relieving stubborn coughs and clearing mucus that blocks the lungs, the antiviral and antibacterial properties of garlic are attributed to the compound allicin found in it”.
Ginger: “Ginger contains anti-inflammatory gingerols and shaogals in the ginger root that help relieve a sore throat quickly, and they also kill rhinoviruses, which cause respiratory infections like a cold”.

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